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cox process中文是什么意思

用"cox process"造句"cox process"怎么读"cox process" in a sentence


  • 考克斯钢制零件除锈和涂镀法


  • Study on the cox process with variable premium
  • Applying cox process to describe the process of noncompliance , the valuation issue of credit default swap is studied under the hypothesis that the market risk is correlated with credit linearly
  • Introduced several kinds of commonly used credit derivatives systematically , discussed the related questions about the credit derivatives market , and proposed several advices about how to establish the credit derivatives market in our country . considering that credit risk and market risk is well correlated , gave the pricing model of credit default swap based on the cox process
用"cox process"造句  


In probability theory, a Cox process (also known as a doubly stochastic Poisson process or mixed Poisson process) is a stochastic process which is a generalization of a Poisson process where the time-dependent intensity λ(t) is itself a stochastic process. The process is named after the statistician David Cox, who first published the model in 1955.
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